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Demandbase One Foundations Final Quiz (Required)

Demandbase One Foundations Final Quiz (Required)

Complete this Quiz with an 80% or higher to receive a completion certificate for the Demandbase One Learning Path.

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Test Your Knowledge!

This is the final quiz for the  Demandbase One Foundations Learning Path. This quiz will test you on the concepts you have learned in the required courses (Account Based Marketing Introduction, Demandbase One Overview and Platform Deep Dive) and allows you to become Demandbase One Foundations Certified! You must pass the quiz with a score of 80% to earn your completion certificate. There is no time limit to complete the quiz. You can take the quiz as many times as needed to pass it with a score of 80% or higher. 

How do I add my completion certificate to my LinkedIn Profile?

To access your certificate of completion and add it to your LinkedIn Profile, click the My Profile icon in the top right corner of the Demandbase Academy home page as follows:

Click the Add to profile button in the Registrations section as follows:

How do I view a PDF of my certificate?

In the Registrations section, click the View Certificate link as shown below.

Your certificate will display. To download it to your computer, click the Download as PDF button. 


Test Your Knowledge!

This is the final quiz for the  Demandbase One Foundations Learning Path. This quiz will test you on the concepts you have learned in the required courses (Account Based Marketing Introduction, Demandbase One Overview and Platform Deep Dive) and allows you to become Demandbase One Foundations Certified! You must pass the quiz with a score of 80% to earn your completion certificate. There is no time limit to complete the quiz. You can take the quiz as many times as needed to pass it with a score of 80% or higher. 

How do I add my completion certificate to my LinkedIn Profile?

To access your certificate of completion and add it to your LinkedIn Profile, click the My Profile icon in the top right corner of the Demandbase Academy home page as follows:

Click the Add to profile button in the Registrations section as follows:

How do I view a PDF of my certificate?

In the Registrations section, click the View Certificate link as shown below.

Your certificate will display. To download it to your computer, click the Download as PDF button.